We are all aware of the challenges to businesses across the world in regards to coronavirus. As travel restrictions are put in place, shops and schools and closed, we wanted to issue a statement to give reassurance and to answer some common questions/concerns.
Is this affecting your operations?
Currently we aren’t experiencing any transport issues. We have contracts with a range of international delivery agents who have contingency plans in place should the virus affect their ability to transport goods. As a result, at this time, delivery is continuing as normal.
Our operations team have built sufficient levels of stock to service all forecasted orders. We currently have no issues with supply chain and continue to work closely with our component manufacturers. We are doing everything possible to limit any effect to our business and ability to meet our client needs.
In order to manage the supply chain efficiently over the coming weeks, we would suggest that customers notify us of future product requirements at the earliest opportunity.
Are you still attending client meetings and tradeshows?
The majority of tradeshows Tellermate was scheduled to attend have already been cancelled. We are keeping a close eye on W.H.O. advice, and therefore we are limiting our attendance to client meetings where necessary. We are maintaining client contact by arranging video calls and WebEx demos in place of physical meetings. This will also help to ensure business continuity is maintained.
Will your helpdesk still be operating?
Contingency measures are in place to enable our international helpdesks to continue operating effectively via remote working.
How is Tellermate is dealing with the situation?
Our staff are just as important to us as our customers. We have put contingency measures in place to enable remote working where possible to help minimize the health risk and impact that coronavirus has on the personal lives of our teams. Key IT services are also cloud based which will enable continuity through this period and minimise the impact that the virus has on our customers and operation.
Will COVID-19 affect cash usage?
There could be an impact on cash usage however the WHO has not said that cash transmits the virus, or is a greater risk than card payments. While cash goes through many hands, the keypads for card payment machines are also touched by multiple people who may not have the same hygiene standards that the WHO prescribes. In fact, the amount of contact to a typical supermarket card payment machine keypad is thought to be used over 80 times per day and they are often forgotten about during cleaning. Regardless, the overarching advice from the WHO is that cash & card are relatively low risk factors compared to hand rails, door handles, public transport and self-service touch screen stations.
The other point to consider is that until governments say otherwise, there is a legal obligation through the UK, EU and even in major cities in the USA , e.g. New York, San Francisco, etc.. to accept cash.
While we are acutely aware of the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on retail, there is a lot of misinformation being spread. We, like many other businesses are taking appropriate precautions, but people still need groceries, fuel and pharmaceuticals, and people will still want the convenience of fast food throughout their day to day lives. As a consequence of increased hygiene and social distancing precautions we expect delays to all ongoing projects to assess new technology. Due to the labour efficiencies gained through the use of cash counting technology, we continue to have a positive outlook on 2020 and beyond.