Jan began her career as a branch manager in a bank, there she gained a good deal of background on how important cash counting accuracy is. She has since worked in the financial services, information, manufacturing and retail/financial equipment industries. Jan’s biggest strengths are in her ability to really listen to customers and find out what their pain points are so that she can find the right product and solution for their needs.
Based out of our Atlanta, Georgia office, Jan joined the Tellermate team in 2015 and is the Strategic Account Manager for the West and Central United States.
“When I first met with Tellermate, I had no idea that a weight based cash counting solution even existed! The more I learned about the history of the company, the product line, and the game changing products we have in development, the more I knew I wanted to be a part of Tellermate. From the initial consultation/meeting with the customer, to the onsite pilot testing, to deployment; we are heavily involved every step of the way.
Just after joining Tellermate, I worked a show for one of our largest customers, and could not believe the response to our product from their managers and franchisees. People would walk by the booth and shout ‘I just love you guys!’ One gentleman told me our cash counter was the most reliable piece of equipment in his entire operation! In all my years working trade shows and supplier showcases, I have never had the kind of overwhelmingly positive response to my product that I have seen since joining Tellermate! I know you’ll have the same response from using our systems, as our customer service, customer relations and products can’t be compared to others. Contact me to find out more about how Tellermate can help you!”
Jan Prickett
Office: 770 220 5118
Cell: 770 568 7333