When you work in finance, having a detailed and up-to-date view of the cash across your business is crucial. How else can you be sure that your reports and forecasts are correct? These days getting a real-time view of the cash in your business’s accounts is pretty easy. But, when it comes to the physical cash held in your stores… that’s where things get difficult
Sure, your PoS systems can tell you how much cash should be in each till at any one time. But how do you know how much actually is? What happens when till discrepancies occur, when too much change is given out, or when your cashiers fall victim to a cash scam? How long does it take for this information to make it into your reports – if at all?
Small instances of cash loss can quickly add up to big dents in profits. Whether the cause of your cash loss is intentional or not, we help you protect your cash from both human error and dishonest staff.
Knowing how much physical cash is across your business at any one time is critical for accurate reporting. Our T-ice intelligent cash drawers track and display exactly how much cash they hold in real-time – so your stores always know just how much cash is on the shop floor. Better yet, this real-time data from each and every drawer can be rolled into a head-office view – giving you a complete picture of your cash in situ.
See how our cash management solutions help global businesses get a more detailed audit trail of their cash; reducing store operating costs and protecting against cash loss in the process.
Inefficient coin ordering and cash collections are costing your business money. Our intelligent cash management solutions enable you to use data from your stores to accurately forecast change orders and optimize CIT collection schedules.
Managing the cash across your business is costly. Banking fees, CIT service charges and the labour costs associated with cash management all eat into your hard-earned profits. We can help you streamline your cash management and eliminate any unnecessary costs.
At Tellermate, we help businesses just like yours to get an accurate and up-to-date picture of the cash across their stores. We enable your business to address the main cause of shrinkage – whilst protecting profits, increasing security, tightening controls and reducing operational costs in the process.